Many designers consider the kitchen to be the soul of the home. It’s where meals are prepared, and it’s when people often congregate during a party or a social event. It’s important to make sure that you’re happy with the kitchen in your house.
While you could spend time looking for a house that comes pre-equipped with the kitchen of your dreams, you may want to try to design your own kitchen instead. You can include details and features that will make your kitchen uniquely your own.
Avoid Extra Steps
When you put together your own kitchen design, you can think of how you usually use your kitchen, and can create a design that takes that into consideration. For example, if you typically take food straight from the stovetop to the kitchen island, you can place the two right across from each other.
When you eliminate those extra steps, you’ll be able to prepare food more quickly and efficiently. You’ll experience less stress and more fun when you’re in the kitchen.
Keep Cooktops Out of High-Traffic Areas
Every year, children are injured when they accidentally touch a hot stovetop. Thankfully, you can easily prevent these injuries when you create your own kitchen design. You can make sure that your cooktop is located far away from the areas that usually get a lot of traffic, and ensure that your children will never have to walk by your stove.
Give Yourself Plenty of Countertop Space
One of the issues frequent cooks often run into is that they don’t have enough counter space. This is doubly true for people who typically cook more than one dish at a time.
If you frequently encounter this issue, you can go out of your way to give yourself extra counter space. You can make sure that you always have a place for everything, even when you’re cooking lavish meals.
Two Can Be Better Than One
Consider adding a second refrigerator, microwave, or oven if you think you could get use out of it. If you spend a lot of time using a certain appliance, there’s no reason to eliminate yourself to just one. Add in an additional appliance so that you can do two things at once.
Create Wider Walkways
One of the primary issues many kitchens face is that they’re cramped. It can be hard for a person to carry hot meals or dishes without running into some kind of accident.
However, when you design your own kitchen, you’ll have the opportunity to create wide walkways that more than one person can walk through. Aim for walkways that are at least 42 inches wide; you’ll find that your kitchen is a lot more comfortable to use.
Use Design Software
Thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to just look at floorplans and sketches. You can get a 3D view of what your kitchen would look like in your actual room. This will allow you to notice potential problems before construction on your kitchen begins.